This is my idea:
Lucas is a 16 year old teenager and his father has been vigorously training him in all sorts of activities, particularly fighting. Little does he know, that his father is an M16 agent, who knows lots of key M16 information and he has been training Lucas so that he is able to protect himself and overcome adversary.
In the sequence we see Lucas, coming home from school, with his headphones on and just strolling down the street. The camera then cuts to a POV of Lucas and we see a strange black-clothed teenager of a similar age who is leaning against a wall, opposite him is a black 4x4 with its boot open. As Lucas walks past the teenager he gets attacked and pushed towards the 4x4. He squints his eyes and thinks about his training and Lucas recovers and knocks the teenager to the ground. He then paces down the street and gains at least 10 metres before the teenager gets up. He then runs around a corner and hides, however a sports car (my dads car) skids towards him and the driver indicates to the teenager for him to chase Lucas. Lucas then sprints towards his house and presses a back gate button (Match on Action) and then runs into his garden and then he shuts the gate and loses the chasers.
The idea is that another evil agency have been bringing up teenagers to fight against the government and cause trouble. They attempt to kidnap Lucas in order to use him to catch his father and obtain his knowledge. However, they do not expect Lucas to be so skilled and they fail. Now there are two different storylines, which are as follows. This agency manages to catch Lucas' Father and Lucas fights his way into the evil agency to get his father back.
A quick storyboard I created illustrating the idea in a visual way
One aspect of the storyboard, involving the main character concentrating. It is a CU of his face and his eyes are squinted and to one side preparing the audience for a flashback: